Retailer information about the plastic bag phase out

South Australia’s plastic bag ban is now in place and the State Government is helping retailers to make the change. This is where you will find information about the banned and not banned bags, contact details of suppliers of alternative bags, tips for answering customer questions, information about staff’ welfare, and resources to help with staff and customer communications.

The critical dates for retailers are:

  • From 1 January 2009, lightweight, checkout-style plastic bags were phased out.
  • From 4 May 2009, retailers were banned from supplying these bags.

Prepare for the ban by starting now: by ordering alternatives, having signage in place and training your staff. A major advertising campaign will inform the community about the change. It will include Television, Radio, newspaper ads and outdoor signs near shopping centres to spread the message about the ban and remind shoppers to ‘BYO’ their reusable shopping bags.

Here you can find information on the important dates leading up to the ban, advice for your staff and your customers as well as useful educational resources and contact details for suppliers of alternatives to plastic bags.